How To Use KESE
Step 1
Take a shower with the hottest water you can stand
and soap your body. Natural soaps with olive oil are the
most effective.
Step 2
 Do not use shampoo and shower gel before kese. Also, do not let the kese come into contact with soap and shampoo.
Step 3
 Start scrubbing after rinsing. Try not to apply too much pressure on the same area while scrubbing and avoid hard movements. Otherwise, you may irritate your skin.
Step 4
When you use kese too often, the protective texture of the skin is lost and this leads to moisture loss. After moisture loss, your skin beco mes dry. Therefore, it is appropriate to make a kese every ten days.
Reveal Your Radiant Skin with the Raw Silk Cocoon Kese
Crafted from natural silk cocoons by Allforhamam, this gentle exfoliator removes dead skin cells while boosting circulation. Perfect for sensitive skin, it unclogs pores, prevents blackheads, and enhances your skin’s radiance. Embrace a chemical-free, sustainable skincare routine with this luxurious tool. Discover smooth, glowing skin today!
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Unveil Radiant Skin: Exfoliating Gloves for Dead Skin Removal
O u r   E x f o l i a t i n g   G l o v e s   a r e   e x p e r t l y   c r a f t e d   w i t h   1 0 0 %   n a t u r a l   s i l k   t o   g e n t l y   y e t   e f f e c t i v e l y   b u f f   a w a y   d e a d   s k i n   c e l l s ,   r e v e a l i n g   t h e   n a t u r a l l y   r a d i a n t   s k i n   u n d e r n e a t h .   T h i s   g e n t l e   e x f o l i a t i o n   h e l p s   t o   i m p r o v e   c i r c u l a t i o n ,   u n c l o g   p o r e s ,   p r e v e n t   b r e a k o u t s ,   a n d   e n h a n c e   t h e   a b s o r p t i o n   o f   y o u r   f a v o r i t e   s k i n c a r e   p r o d u c t s .   T h e   r e s u l t ?   S m o o t h e r ,   b r i g h t e r ,   a n d   h e a l t h i e r - l o o k i n g   s k i n   y o u ' l l   l o v e   t o   s h o w   o f f .
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Hammam's Effect on Reducing And Providing Relaxation
Hammas, a tradition that extends from ancient times to the present, are centers for stress reduction and relaxation. The combination of hot water and traditional practices supports both physical and mental healing. The calm and quiet atmosphere of these environments helps to reduce stress while soothing the mind. These effects, which are also scientifically validated, position baths as a break point in the chaotic rhythm of modern life.
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